This is a fun, if not a somewhat different video than we normally capture.
Aaron & Seth get trapped in two feet of snow and then crash into a tree! After smashing up the truck, Aaron gets on his knees and sucks off and swallows Seth.
Aaron starts out the drive without incident until he gets to a part of the snow-covered road that is impassable. Seth tells him to back up the truck and a get a running start up the hill in order to blast through the deep snow. Aaron does just that. Suddenly they hear the crashing of the tree hitting the rear of the truck.
After inspecting the damage, Seth takes over and gives it a go. Alas, without chaining up the 4×4 there’s no way they’re going to make it. The snow is just too deep and the duo decides to find another spot to mess around at.
As there’s nowhere to turnaround on this narrow 4×4 road without getting stuck, Seth drives in reverse for two miles until the guys find a spot to pull over.
Seth, being a lover of nakedness outdoors, whips out his dick and Aaron’s mouth goes right down like a dick magnet. They both get out of the truck so Seth can give Aaron’s mouth a nice fucking. Seth was majorly turned on by being so exposed outside.
After more sucking and face fucking, Seth erupts a massive hot load directly to Aaron’s open mouth.
True to form, cum is all over Aaron and he has a huge wad in his mouth that he lets linger until it was time to swallow the cum.
Gorgeous Rocky Mountain views and outdoor cock sucking & load swallowing. Despite the crash, this was a beautiful day!
We think you’ll really like this video. We certainly had fun making it… We’d love to do more like this. On-the-fly filming, more vlog style… Let us know in the comment section below if you want to see more shot like this.

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